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Sensitive image access risksĭo students, faculty, and/or staff share sensitive images in Google Chat? Sensitive images could include images of a sexual nature ( used in sextortion), images of credit cards, and images of people’s personal spaces, addresses, etc.Ī chat app is a very informal way to communicate, and it’s easy for users to forget they need to be cautious. Given the fairly lax security Google currently provides, savvy district IT leaders question: how secure is Google Chat? There are four significant Google Chat security risks that you need to consider for your district. Google Chat monitoring is something all school districts need to do to secure sensitive information that may be shared over Chat for FERPA, HIPAA, and other compliance reasons. Using that approach, even if someone gains access to the chats on your system, they can’t read the content. More secure chat apps use end-to-end encryption, which encrypts data during storage as well as in-transit. However, Google doesn’t encrypt messages during storage, which makes them vulnerable to attacks by cybercriminals. Google Chat uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) to protect messages as they are transported from one user to another. This includes implementing G Suite security best practices in Google Chat, as well as Gmail, Google Drive, Shared Drives, Google Meet, and Google Classroom.Įncrypting chat messages is important to ensure that hackers can’t access the information shared on messaging apps like Google Chat. It’s important to properly configure G Suite data loss prevention controls across your entire domain. How Secure is Native Google Chat Security? But distinct IT and safety teams need to understand that there significant data security and student safety risks that make Google Chat security & safety monitoring a requirement.

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Using it also helps keep all communication together in one app for security, monitoring, and compliance. But, it’s free to school districts using G Suite for Education.

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Google Chat is not the most secure messaging app available on the market.

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